【Limited Time CP】Striped Mug (【期間限定cp】ストライプマグカップ) 【期間限定cp】ストライプマグカップ

Content ID:2161394

  • 37
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a mug with a choice of drinking mouth. I made one that you can choose because what is convenient changes depending on the angle.
With LT conversion, the lines come out neatly and can be used with little addition.
Easy to illustrate in colored 3D.

The rounded corners look realistic, but the lines are a little dirty, and the sharp angles are cartoonish and the lines come out beautifully. It can be switched depending on the angle and size.
The amount of coffee inside can be adjusted by scaling.
The cup is also object separate from the handle, so the size can be adjusted to some extent.


material マテリアル

  • Pink Stripe ピンクストライプ
  • Blue Stripe ブルーストライプ
  • for shadowspure white 影用真っ白

disposition 配置

  • Rounded Mug 角丸マグ
  • Sharp Angle Mug 鋭角マグ

Content ID:2161394

Published : 3 days ago

Last updated : 3 days ago

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