It is a black clothes and SP mob material with a high head and body made for monochrome manuscripts. vector layer is used for line art. It is divided into folders one by one. (Please refer to the recorded contents for the layer composition.) Please feel free to process it when using. モノクロ原稿用に制作した頭身が高めの黒服・SPモブ素材です。線画はベクターレイヤーを使用。一体ずつフォルダに分かれています。(レイヤー構成は収録内容を参照下さい。) 使用の際の加工はご自由にどうぞ。

Category 1 カテゴリ1
SP_33 (after running diagonally) SP_33 (走り斜め後)
SP_32 (after running diagonally) SP_32 (走り斜め後)
SP_31 (after the run) SP_31 (走り後)
SP_30 (after the run) SP_30 (走り後)
SP_29 (running sideways) SP_29 (走り横)
SP_28 (running sideways) SP_28 (走り横)
SP_27 (running front) SP_27 (走り正面)
SP_26 (running front) SP_26 (走り正面)
SP_25 (diagonal after walking) SP_25 (歩き後斜め)
SP_24 (diagonal after walking) SP_24 (歩き後斜め)
SP_23 (after walking) SP_23 (歩き後)
SP_22 (after walking) SP_22 (歩き後)
SP_21 (Sideways) SP_21 (歩き横)
SP_20 (sideways) SP_20 (歩き横)
SP_19 (before walking) SP_19 (歩き前)
SP_18 (before walking) SP_18 (歩き前)
SP_17 (Posture) SP_17 (構え)
SP_16 (Posture) SP_16 (構え)
SP_15 (Stance) SP_15 (構え)
SP_14 (Posture) SP_14 (構え)
SP_13 (diagonally back) SP_13 (後斜め)
SP_12 (diagonally back) SP_12 (後斜め)
SP_11 (rear front) SP_11 (後正面)
SP_10 (rear front) SP_10 (後正面)
SP_9 (horizontal →) SP_9(横→)
SP_8 (anterior oblique→) SP_8(前斜め→)
SP_7 (anterior oblique→) SP_7(前斜め→)
SP_6 (anterior oblique←) SP_6(前斜め←)
SP_5 (anterior oblique←) SP_5(前斜め←)
SP_4 (horizontal ←) SP_4(横←)
SP_3 (front front) SP_3(前正面)
SP_2 (front front) SP_2(前正面)
SP_1 (front front) SP_1(前正面)