These are the three color mixing pens used for thumbnail images. I think you can use it to add textures. Adjust it to your liking! Thank you in advance. サムネイルの画像に使用している、混色するペン3つです。テクスチャを追加しても良い感じに使えるかと思います。お好みで調整してください!よろしくお願いします。
It is the default milli pen that mixes colors, so it does not become stronger. You can apply pom-poms. It may be difficult to use to arrange details!
・milli pen strength and weakness
Same as milli pen, this is the default milli pen with color mixing. This one has strengths and weaknesses.
・mapping pen
This is the default mapping pen with color mixing. It's thin, so I think it can be used for anything.
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