【Free for a limited time】Hand-drawn mahjong tile brush (【期間限定無料】手描き麻雀牌ブラシ) 【期間限定無料】手描き麻雀牌ブラシ
Content ID:2160355
I made mahjong tiles with a brush. It's hand-drawn, so it's crude, but it's pretty nice when you actually use it. I slightly arranged the design of the mahjong tiles.
I mainly made a brush, but I think it may be necessary to have a image material, so I will attach it together.
After a certain period of time, we plan to switch to a paid fee. Thank you again this time.

I mainly made a brush, but I think it may be necessary to have a image material, so I will attach it together.
After a certain period of time, we plan to switch to a paid fee. Thank you again this time.

麻雀牌をブラシで作ってみました。 手描きなので粗雑ですが、実際に使うとなかなか素敵です。 麻雀牌のデザインを少しアレンジしました。
一定期間が過ぎたら有料転換する予定です。 今回もよろしくお願いします。

一定期間が過ぎたら有料転換する予定です。 今回もよろしくお願いします。

Hand drawn mahjong tile brush 手描き麻雀牌ブラシ
Call cards 索數牌
10,000 cards 萬數牌
Barrel cards 筒數牌
Honor plates 字牌
Gotsutsu-Dora 五筒-ドラ
五萬-Dora 五萬-ドラ
Goso-Dora 五索-ドラ
Nine Suo 九索
Eight Suo 八索
Seven cords 七索
六索 六索
Five cords 五索
Four cords 四索
Three cords 三索
Two cords 二索
One rope 一索
Nine cylinders 九筒
Eight cylinders 八筒
Seven cylinders 七筒
Six cylinders 六筒
Five cylinders 五筒
Four cylinders 四筒
Three cylinders 三筒
Two cylinders 二筒
One tube 一筒
Ninety thousand 九萬
Eighty thousand 八萬
Seventy thousand 七萬
Sixty thousand 六萬
Fifty thousand 五萬
Forty thousand 四萬
30,000 三萬
Twenty thousand 二萬
One thousand 一萬
north 北
south 南
west 西
east 東
middle 中
Hair 發
Rear view 後面
white 白