Residential area distant view 2 (daytime toned) (住宅街遠景2(昼トーン済み)) 住宅街遠景2(昼トーン済み)

Content ID:2160050

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Time-consuming background series residential area edition 2. Processed images taken by myself and added as a whole. With tone treatment and selection of some bushes.
* The sample image has a white diagonal line.

Since it is a large background, I think it can be used in various ways to cut it.

It is a 600dpi monochrome/line art raster layer.
Created in about 3/4 size of commercial B4 manuscript paper

[Set contents]
・ Distant view line drawing of the cityscape (solid and line are not separated)
・ Electric wire (please turn it on / off as you like)
・Daytime tone processing (using 60L50/30/10)
・ selection of the trees in the foreground

The selection of the trees is also attached, so even if you think that the bush part is a touch line person selection you can return it and replace it with a different tone as you like.





↑ That's about it with 600dpi / B4 size manuscript paper.

↑ It looks like this without tone.

↑ Some bushes are selection, so you can change the tone to your liking.




Content ID:2160050

Published : 11 hours ago

Last updated : 11 hours ago

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漫画家です。時短になる便利な素材を作れたらと思っています。生成AIは使用していません。背景は基本的に2値化と地道な加筆です。 不具合・感想やご要望などある場合はお手数ですがダイレクトメッセージからご連絡ください。 こんなシーンで使ってみたよ!というご報告も大歓迎です。喜んで見に行きます〜☺️