Residential area distant view 1 (daytime tone) (住宅街遠景1(昼トーン済)) 住宅街遠景1(昼トーン済)

Content ID:2114365

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This is a residential area edition of the series that uses a background as a material that takes time to draw even if you ask someone to draw it yourself. Processed images taken by myself and added as a whole. It comes with toning and rough selection.
* The sample image has a white diagonal line.

It is a 600dpi monochrome/line art raster layer.
Created on half the size of commercial B4 manuscript paper

[Set contents]
・ Distant view line drawing of the cityscape (solid and line are not separated)
・Daytime tone processing (using 60L30/20/10)
・ Sky / Clouds / selection of trees in the foreground and back

The clouds are toning drawn with a watercolor brush white on the gray, but they may appear to have disappeared due to movement. In that case, please move tone pattern it.

The selection of the trees is also attached, so even if you think that the bush part is a touch line person selection you can return it and replace it with a different tone as you like.

* Corrected parts






↑ I have registered in this state.

↑ It looks like this without tone.

↑ It is about half the size of 600dpi/B4 size manuscript paper.

↑ Some selection are included, so it is convenient when you want to change the taste of the tone.

↑ Example of use. Night tones are not included.






Old version

Content ID:2114365

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

renjimo's profile Go to profile

漫画家です。時短になる便利な素材を作れたらと思っています。生成AIは使用していません。背景は基本的に2値化と地道な加筆です。 不具合・感想やご要望などある場合はお手数ですがダイレクトメッセージからご連絡ください。 こんなシーンで使ってみたよ!というご報告も大歓迎です。喜んで見に行きます〜☺️