Upper part of the school building 2 (daytime toned) (校舎の上の方2 (昼トーン済)) 校舎の上の方2 (昼トーン済)

Content ID:2069929

  • 162

The second part of the upper part of the school / school building that is perfect for changing scenes. I am drawing it with vectors. Noon toned. 
The round object on the wall of the tower is a clock. Please add the needle if necessary. The flying of the rooftop fence can be adjusted.

(The sample has a white diagonal line.) )

・Line art (vector)

・ Clouds (drawn in white on the tone)

・Tone processing

・Some selection

・Touch and Betta (Raster)

・ Since it has a window selection, it is easy to customize the reflection to your liking.

・ perspective ruler (please add as you like)

600 dpi/monochrome B4 manuscript paper 1/2 size










The touch line and the main line are separated, so please adjust it according to your favorite taste.

The size of the image. 600dpi/B4 manuscript paper size

An example of applying this material to tops of various sizes. Since it is a vector line, please adjust the thickness.




Content ID:2069929

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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漫画家です。時短になる便利な素材を作れたらと思っています。生成AIは使用していません。背景は基本的に2値化と地道な加筆です。 不具合・感想やご要望などある場合はお手数ですがダイレクトメッセージからご連絡ください。 こんなシーンで使ってみたよ!というご報告も大歓迎です。喜んで見に行きます〜☺️