48h limited CP ☆ 5 types of fairy wings + 5 types of poses [3D primitives] (48h限定CP☆妖精の羽5種+ポーズ5種【3Dプリミティブ】) 48h限定CP☆妖精の羽5種+ポーズ5種【3Dプリミティブ】

Content ID:2157735

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 2.2.0. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.2.2.0 )

I made fairy wings [butterflies and dragonflies] with 3D primitive materials!
Even with LT conversion, the feather lines come out beautifully.
Five types of fairy-like pose materials are also packed!

* It seems that the material was uploaded in the layer template, and we apologize for m(__)m the inconvenience.
Once withdrawn, registered as 3D material and reuploaded!

3/14 (Fri) Until midnight Limited to 150CP

It's hard to stick the "feather 3D primitives" to the 3D drawing figure, so I used the doll as a material to attach it as well!

You can drag it on the canvas and use it immediately!

Even with LT conversion, the pattern of the blade line will appear beautifully at any angle! !!

(Our CLIP STUDIO is Ver.3.0.4.) I haven't experimented with whether it comes out beautifully with the previous version)

I attached it to the fuselage of the 3D drawing figure and set up a 3D parent-child relationship.
(Functions in Ver.2.2.0 or later)

Official explanation of the 3D parent-child relationship

Towanokatori 3D Parent-Child Relationship Explanation Video https://youtu.be/tW9wpXiZ40c?si=49tOyhUzJTw_6cVI

If the 3D material is a parent-child relationship, the wings will follow you even if you change the pose!

For earlier versions, when the wings are separated, manually move them closer.
(How to do it is explained in the last image)

You can rasterize the 3D layer, or you can convert it to LT and change the color!

* To erase the polygon line of the human body model...

Uncheck "Texture" in "rendering settings".

Paint the shape of the feathers with a "close and fill tool" and color it with layer mask.

Overlay colors and gradients on top of tone layers

Even if you change the "combine mode" of the color layer, you can enjoy various colors!

When changing the direction of feathers

Each wing is a different primitive, so you can move it freely.

Keep it straight up, adjust the degrees of the angle memory, and then move it back and forth to get closer.

You can hide the model doll and use it to draw butterflies and dragonflies.

I hope you enjoy it (#^^#)/

3/14(金)深夜0時まで 限定150CP







トワノコトリ3D親子関係解説動画 https://youtu.be/tW9wpXiZ40c?si=49tOyhUzJTw_6cVI














Fairy Wings [3D] 妖精の羽【3D】

Fairy [3D Pose Material] 妖精【3Dポーズ素材】

Update history

The "Fairy Feather 3D Primitive Material" that was uploaded on 3/10/25 seems to have been uploaded in layer template, so we apologize for m(__)m the inconvenience. 25年3/10にUPした「妖精の羽根3Dプリミティブ素材」はレイヤーテンプレートでUPしていたようでご迷惑をおかげしましたm(__)m一旦取り下げ3D素材として登録、UPしなおしました!

Old version

Content ID:2157735

Published : 5 hours ago

Last updated : 5 hours ago

トワノコトリ's profile Go to profile

クリスタ創作漫画を描い7年目。クリスタと素材大好き!主にゴシック調の模様や、ファンタジー漫画に使えそうな素材を作成しています。BOOTHでも素材販売中 https://cotori8connect.booth.pm/

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