Reception / Entrance (Hospital, Facility, Examination Center) (受付・エントランス(病院・施設・試験場)) 受付・エントランス(病院・施設・試験場)
Content ID:2150731
At the request, we wanted you to make an entrance where a large number of people are waiting for hospitals, test centers, government offices, etc., so we made it.
I tried to place the mechanical reception of the touch panel of the recent automated reception to catch up with the near future from the present.
Since the scale itself is large, the layout is only without a ceiling, and the moving parts include the opening and closing of the left and right automatic doors.
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
Glass translucent ガラス半透明
disposition 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
No ceiling 天井無し
pose parts 可動パーツ
Right door opening and closing 右扉開閉
Left door opening and closing 左扉開閉