[Full Flipboard] smartphone 5 species (【完全アプデ】スマホ5種) 【完全アプデ】スマホ5種

Content ID:2012697

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Summer is a large Flipboard!
Especially the design of the smartphone 5, because it had been designed that was seamless in recent years of the screen and the case, was almost reworked because the dissatisfaction of when it was expressed in the picture was odd.

And I am honored to see many of the works that have been used in one design, thank you!
The scale was set to be large so that the extraction of the line drawing went neatly to make it easier to use.

The scale of the smartphone if you want to combined with the default drawing doll
It will be a good feeling to be about four to six size, but when you make a small
It becomes difficult to extract the line, so be careful.

Redesign of the smartphone, like the sukusho above, please try to look at various because you can easily from the place of the layout.




Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • 1 1
  • 2 2
  • 3 3
  • 4 4
  • 5 5

Update history

2023.6.30 scale change, smartphone 5 completely reworked. 2023.6.30 スケール変更、スマホ5を完全作り直し。

Old version

Content ID:2012697

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

ライフイズゲーム's profile Go to profile

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