【Free for a limited time】Glossy manuscript set (【期間限定無償】ツヤベタ原稿セット) 【期間限定無償】ツヤベタ原稿セット
Content ID:2147944
It is a glossy pen + hand-drawn tone that I made for my manuscript. 自分の原稿用に作ったツヤベタ処理用のペン+手描きトーンです。
It is a pen that I made for myself. It contains several thicknesses. It will be changed for a fee in a few days.
Glossy manuscript set ツヤベタ原稿セット
Hand drawn tone D 手描きトーンd
Hand drawn tone c 手描きトーンc
Hand-drawn tone b 手描きトーンb
Hand Drawn Tone A 手描きトーンa
glossy hatchingshort ツヤベタハッチング短細
glossy hatchinglong ツヤベタハッチング長細
Glossy hatching short ツヤベタハッチング短太
Glossy hatching chota ツヤベタハッチング長太
Glossy Hutting A ツヤベタハッチングA
Glossy Sticky Hatching B ツヤベタハッチングB
Glossy Solid Hatching C ツヤベタハッチングC
Glossy Solid Hatching D ツヤベタハッチングD