・ A cross-hatching set that does not float even if used for rough line drawings.
・ The pen is already binarized, so it is for manga. Recommended if you want to use it for illustrations smoothing etc.
Example of use (binary)
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Kemu cross-hatching 001 けむカケアミ001
Kemu cross-hatching 001B けむカケアミ001B
Kemu cross-hatching 002 けむカケアミ002
Kemu cross-hatching 002B けむカケアミ002B
Kemu cross-hatching 003 けむカケアミ003
Kemu cross-hatching 003B けむカケアミ003B
Kemu cross-hatching 004 けむカケアミ004
Kemu cross-hatching 004B けむカケアミ004B
Kemu cross-hatching 005 けむカケアミ005
Kemu cross-hatching 005B けむカケアミ005B
Kemu cross-hatching 006 けむカケアミ006
Kemu cross-hatching 006B けむカケアミ006B
Kemu cross-hatching Pen A けむカケアミペンA
Kemu cross-hatching Pen B けむカケアミペン B
cross-hatching Pen C けむカケアミペンC
cross-hatching Pen D けむカケアミペン D
Kemu cross-hatching Pen E けむカケアミペンE