Japan traditional pattern & Japanese pattern brush set (日本の伝統文様&和柄ブラシセット) 日本の伝統文様&和柄ブラシセット

Content ID:2144532

  • 9,785
  • 200 CLIPPY
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

【Some brushes have been integrated】
120 kinds of Japan traditional patterns, 35 kinds of Japanese pattern dual brush,
It will be a set of 112 colors with an extra color palette.
(156 types in total * Including brush version.) )
* 350dpi creation, seamless tiling.
For expressions such as kimonos, decorative designs, New Year's cards and advertisements.

Q.I want to permeate the seamless material like the old version.
 A.Select "convert layer" for the image material layer you added to the canvas and click
Remove either black or white from the gray item.
 The removed color disappears and is transmitted.
 * If you want to change the color, please convert it to a color layer after the above process.

Q.I want to color seamless materials easily without converting.
 A. Select layer color from the layer property
Set the color you want to reflect to the main color or sub color of the layer color.
For details, please refer to the color change method (example) below.
(計156種 ※ブラシVer.を含みます。)



Color change method (example)

List of seamless image material (irregular)

* The pattern of ring connection difference and ring angle connection is tiling only in the horizontal direction.

Brush Type

* Dual brush ON/OFF switching type.
Turn on to change the brush expression.
In addition, all brushes have been changed to dual compatible ribbon brushes.

※ Except for the blue sea wave / e haze  / e kasumi border / bamboo / citrus / camellia brush,
Handwriting-style random blurring is added, and each of the aforementioned six species,
Blue Sea Wave: Change brush tip
Ehaze: Border only
E-haze border: Two-color support
Bamboo: with and without leaves
Citrus: Available in two colors
Camellia: With and without flower buds (fixed color)
You can switch to.

* The sample image is an image after coloring.

* The brush tip shape of the Ekasumi pattern brush is 17 types of ribbon brushes.
In the old Ver., there was a bug that it was not drawn normally at less than 60px,
It has been resolved in this version.

【With name】Color names and samples included in the traditional colors of Japan_color set (112 colors) ↓

↓ Usage example illustration

* In the seamless image of the Genji incense pattern, for the convenience of patterning,
Please note that only 48 shapes can be used.

* Genjika's brush type contains all 52 shapes.





※青海波 / エ霞 / エ霞枠線 / 竹 / 柑橘 / 椿のブラシ以外は、







Seamless image material シームレス画像素材

Brush Type ブラシタイプ

Color palette カラーパレット

Update history

Updated May 5, 2024 Reduced capacity of all patterns and added new patterns. * Addition of Ōgome, Six-handed Turtle Shell, Crack, Mitsubishi Turtle Shell, Kiriko, Kiriko Bishamon, and Kasamatsu.   change name with some patterns.     Updated on May 8 New patterns have been added. ※Dead trees     Updated on May 19 Two new patterns were added and some patterns were corrected. * Added mountain crest and mountain small crest.   Fixed an issue where the number of circles in the cloisonne pattern was not correct.   The icon has been changed to make it easier to understand the number of materials.    Updated on May 20 Added new patterns and brush plates. * Autumn leaves (brush version added)    Updated on June 4 New patterns and brush plates have been added. * Chozi, ginkgo nut, danfan, vinegar grass, citrus fruit, eggplant, pestle, girdle, gourd, genjika (52 shapes), rain, layered lingshi.  Except for the two types of rain and layered diamonds, a brush version will also be added.    Updated on June 19 Added new patterns and brush plates. * Ring connection difference, ring angle connection, Japanese umbrella pattern (Japanese umbrella has 12 shapes) * Brush version is also added. The icons of the color palette of 112 traditional colors of Japan have been changed to Japanese-style illustrations.   Updated on December 29 Added new patterns and brush plates. * A total of three brush versions of camellia, camellia line pattern, and [dual] compatible camellia pattern have been added. Updated January 14, 2025 The brush type has been significantly changed. * Increased type of brush tip & dual compatible ribbon brush,  Since some brushes have been integrated, the number of brushes has been reduced by 5.  The total number of brush tips is increasing. * The sample image has been replaced with the latest one. * The traditional color palette of the bonus [with name] Japan is the same as the free version. The characters used for the icons are handwritten, and fonts are not included in the stock collection. 2024年5月5日 更新 全文様の容量削減と新規文様の追加。
    5月8日 更新 新規文様の追加。※枯木
    5月19日 更新 新規文様の2種追加と一部文様の修正。※山地紋、山小紋の追加。
   5月20日 更新 新規文様とブラシ版を追加。※紅葉(ブラシ版も追加)
   6月4日 更新 新規文様とブラシ版を追加。
   6月19日 更新 新規文様とブラシ版を追加。
  12月29日 更新 新規文様とブラシ版を追加。

2025年1月14日 更新 ブラシタイプを大幅変更しました。


Old version

Content ID:2144532

Published : 23 days ago

Last updated : 23 days ago

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ケモミミ🐺と白髪、赤眼をこよなく愛する絵描き🎨です。 マイペースに描いてます、好きな色は緋色。 いいね&ギフト、いつもありがとうございます。 アセットに出した素材に不具合があった場合はDMなどでご連絡ください。なるべく早めに更新します。 予告なく掲載素材を価格変更/削除等を行う場合があります。 DMでの素材作成依頼などのご要望は受け付けておりませんのでご了承ください。m(_ _)m サンプル画像等には転載防止の観点から透かし等が入っていますが、 実際のアセット素材には入っておりませんのでご安心くださいませ。

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