A brush to make a bed of wildflowers.
This brush was based on Phlox diffusa, the Spreading Phlox. It's a North American Wildflower that's very cute, and makes great ground cover. It looks like many other flowers, so feel free to use it and call it whatever.

There's two brushes: one spreads a lot of little flowers, one spreads bigger flowers. Feel free to adjust them. Both brushes can be changed to any color.

If you want to color them yourself like this:

1. Spread the brushes in Black & white.
2. Duplicate the layer.
3. Apply "Convert Brightness to Opacity" to the top duplicate layer.
4. Lock layer transparency on the original bottom layer. Recolor it to a base color.
5. You now have a line art & a coloring layer. :0
You can apply the above trick to any brush that allows you to change the main color & sub color.
I might make some more wildflower brushes these days. There's a lot of pretty wild flowers out there, I encourage others to try and make some as well. :D
fields of flowers