Emu's snow-covered tree (evergreen) (えむの雪の積もった木(常緑樹)) えむの雪の積もった木(常緑樹)

Content ID:2143393

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This is a set of trees covered with snow.
600dpi creation.

8 images
Tone 8 points
6 brushes
template 1 point
It will be a set of 23 different materials in total.

It is made for monochrome, but it can also be made in color.

I also added tones and images that I created for "Emu's Snow Tone and Snow Brush" (ID: 210893).

I hope you can use it with snow material.

画像 8点
トーン 8点
ブラシ 6点
テンプレート 1点




・M leaf B
・M leaf (cedar) B
・M leaf (fir tree) B
・M Wood B

・M Snow Mokomoko B

(1) Draw cedar.
(2) Draw snow with M Snow Mokomoko B.
(3) Change the M leaf (cedar) B to a transparent color and scrape the upper part of the snow.

・M Snow Spray

(1) With M leaf B, draw a mountain.
(2) Create a layer on top of the pile, clip it, and scatter the snow with M snow spray.

・M tree (+ snow) evergreen tree

If you put it inside the layer and expand the folder, it will look like the figure below.
・ Layer to draw the snow part (with white and black border)
・ Layer to draw leaves (you can draw in any color you like, white hatching overlaps)
・ Layer to draw the part of the tree (you can draw it in your favorite color) White hatching overlaps)

Image & Tone

・M Evergreen + Snow 01
・M Evergreen + Snow 02

・M evergreen + snow_forest T
(If you check tiling and specify left and right, you can use it as a tone)
・M Evergreen + Snow_Forest T

Images and Tones

・M Conifers + Snow 01
・M Conifers + Snow 02
・M Conifers + Snow 03 ・ M Conifers + Snow_Forest TM Conifers + Snow_Forest T

・M Conifers + Snow_Forest T
(If you check tiling and specify left and right, you can use it as a tone)
・M Conifers + Snow_Forest T

・M undergrowth + snow

・M undergrowth + snow ・T

Images and tones created for "Emu's Snow Tones and Snow Brushes" (ID: 214893)

・M coniferous A_T
・M Coniferous B_T
・M coniferous C_T

・M Coniferous A (Daen)
・M Conifer A (circle)











<M常緑樹+雪> 画像・トーン



<M針葉樹+雪> 画像とトーン










Material gallery 素材集

Content ID:2143393

Published : 15 days ago

Last updated : 15 days ago

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手描き感のある素材や、ハッチング、スタンプなどが、好きです。 最近は、トーン(パターン)作りにハマってます。

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