【Free for a limited time】Portion brush set (【期間限定無料】ポーションブラシセット) 【期間限定無料】ポーションブラシセット

Content ID:2142308

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Potion bottles for wizards, alchemists, etc. 魔法使い、錬金術師などのポーション瓶

[Free for a limited time]
It is an image of a potion with a sense of fantasy, such as a wizard.
It was created on the assumption that it will be used in monochrome manuscripts.
Please make the background lively.
We have a brush with only the main line that is easy to add, and a main line + whitewashed brush that can be placed with a pop.
You can change the color with main color and sub color.

※Example of use


brush ブラシ

Content ID:2142308

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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