This is a collection of materials for hair ornaments.
*1 is also available.
I made it with kimono hair ornaments in mind, but I think it can be used for other things.
The smallest one is 700px and the largest one is about 2000px long.
Please feel free to use the processing as it is.
* Only one material for Japanese-style hair ornament is provided for free. Content ID:2140979
Material gallery 素材集
Hair ornament flower lily of the valley 1 髪飾り花スズラン1
Hair ornament flower lily of the valley 2 髪飾り花スズラン2
Hair ornament flower lily of the valley 3 髪飾り花スズラン3
Hair ornament red flower ribbon 髪飾り赤い花リボン
Hair ornament orange blossom and string 髪飾りオレンジの花と紐
Hair ornament peony string 髪飾り牡丹紐
Hair ornaments 髪飾り紐
Hair ornament ribbon string 髪飾りリボン紐
Hair ornament strawberry 髪飾りいちご
Hair ornament strawberry 2 髪飾りいちご2
Hair ornament strawberry ruffles 髪飾りいちごフリル
Hair ornament camellia and yellow flowers 2 髪飾り椿と黄色い花2
Hair ornament camellia with yellow flowers 髪飾り椿と黄色い花
Hair ornament with rose and ribbon and yellow flowers 髪飾り薔薇とリボンと黄色の花
Hair ornament rose and ribbon 髪飾り薔薇とリボン
Chrysanthemum flowers 菊和の花
* Free for a limited time * Japanese-style hair ornament ※期間限定無料※和風髪飾り