Two-color dual lame brush 21 types (2色対応デュアルラメブラシ 21種) 2色対応デュアルラメブラシ 21種

Content ID:2140784

  • 1,061
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

There are 21 types of brushes that can express glittering glitter and glitter.
There are 10 shapes: round, triangular, square, hexagonal, star-shaped, spade-shaped, heart-shaped, club-shaped, dia-shaped, and starlight-shaped.
(There are a total of 20 types including the frame ver.) )
There is also a MIX version that mixes all species.

・ Two-color dual lame brush
 Total 21 types (20 brush tip shapes)

The name has been changed.
The old name is "Glitter brush that does not become too white" Content ID: 1845552.
In addition, the brush icon on the CLIP STUDIO has been changed to something that is easy to understand intuitively.

Significantly revised the settings,
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please update it by re-downloading.

* If you remove the check mark of the dual brush
You can turn off the brightening effect due to sub color reflection.


旧名称は 「白くなりすぎないラメブラシ」 コンテンツID:1845552 です。





Normal brush 通常ブラシ

Border brush 枠線ブラシ

Mix Brushes ミックスブラシ

Update history

Updated June 29, 2024 Change the default settings for brushes.  * By reviewing the settings, it has become easier to control the size with pen pressure.   We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you have an old version, please update it.  * The usage example and icon have been rewritten with the latest version of the brush. Updated on December 29 Change brush default settings, add new shapes + change name some shapes.  * Added spade and club pattern, modified heart-shaped brush tip, changed dia shape + change name   Old name: Dia→ New name: Starlight.   I've set up brush categorization.   Icons and sample images have been replaced with new shapes. 2024年6月29日 更新 ブラシのデフォルト設定の変更。

   12月29日 更新 ブラシのデフォルト設定の変更、新規形状の追加+一部名称変更。

Old version

Content ID:2140784

Published : 16 hours ago

Last updated : 16 hours ago

あかつき天満's profile Go to profile

ケモミミ🐺と白髪、赤眼をこよなく愛する絵描き🎨です。 マイペースに描いてます、好きな色は緋色。 いいね&ギフト、いつもありがとうございます。 アセットに出した素材に不具合があった場合はDMなどでご連絡ください。なるべく早めに更新します。 予告なく掲載素材を価格変更/削除等を行う場合があります。 DMでの素材作成依頼などのご要望は受け付けておりませんのでご了承ください。m(_ _)m サンプル画像等には転載防止の観点から透かし等が入っていますが、 実際のアセット素材には入っておりませんのでご安心くださいませ。

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