How about diamonds? (ダイヤはいかがですか?) ダイヤはいかがですか?

Content ID:2140307

  • 524
  • Free

It's the end of the year and I'm supposed to be busy... I'm free, and do you want to make a New Year's card?
… Something "impact" is missing.
I made a little bit of it.

* Fonts are not used as materials.
… Whoa, who's the jeweler!!
In the first place, there is no one who uses it as a material for New Year's cards. … Probably.

【How to use】
Enter "diamonds" in the search window of the material palette to display the material.
All you have to do is drop it onto the canvas.

For the time being, I will describe how to make a logo.
[1] Make a logo appropriately. ※ This time it is a Happy New Year
[2] Select the logo created with the selection tool.
[3] Drop the diamond pattern onto the canvas. * There are three types of patterns.
[4] Scale the image nicely and complete it... I don't.
* After that, draw the glitter and it's done.

Diamonds 01~03 can be registered as brushes.

Title logos, Instagram images, etc. Please make use of it.



[3]ダイヤのパターンをキャンバスにドロップ。 ※3種類のパターンです。



diamonds diamonds

Update history

* Fonts are not used as materials. Added 2 patterns of "Emerald" as a bonus ※素材にはフォントは使用しておりません。

Content ID:2140307

Published : 15 hours ago

Last updated : 1 hour ago

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ベルファイン様に「sound」を提供させて頂きました。 デザインの仕事がほしいのだけど…。

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