[Free for a limited time] Classic standard Japanese pattern groupset ([期間限定無料]古典定番和柄グループセット) [期間限定無料]古典定番和柄グループセット

Content ID:2138843

  • 491
  • Free

I had never seen a material with apertures lined up in clouds that I often see in realistic kimonos, so I made it.

In addition, it is a small set with a brush that is easy to use to create a slightly classic kimono pattern.


* This is a small pack that extracts classic standard groups.

In addition to all of this material collection, we will upload a Japanese pattern brush that allows you to enjoy gradation and a "full set of Japanese patterns for kimono that make the most of sub color" that includes the 2025 zodiac brush, so if you have the necessary materials, it is a better deal.

You don't have to buy both, so be careful!

↓ Brush list

↓ Example

It's a retro pattern, but the choice of color makes it pop.







Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2138843

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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原稿用に作った素材をアップロードしています。 説明はたまに編集します。 何かあればツイッターまで。