night and day

Content ID:2134959

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it’s some images i took

I have no idea what to call this, or do I know where this is. I know it’s in China, but the locations of the two photos are completely different…what a headache. Anyways, quite old, taken on october 18 on 2015 with an Apple iPhone 6. 

Thumbnail is made by me..yeah, sorry I just merged night1 and day1 together. Day was too boring and night was too dark.. Since day1 and night1 are literally the same, you can just put night1 on top of day1 to make your own images!

Category 1

Content ID:2134959

Published : 8 days ago

Last updated : 8 days ago

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I like to binge-download a ton of things- most of which I don't use. I follow people who make things I like! I love color sets, especially huge ones. If my posts are lazy, please ignore them. They are for the clippy (although all of them are).