Thorns Brush Set (いばらブラシセット) いばらブラシセット

Content ID:2129500

  • 3,401
  • 80 GOLD
  • 120 CLIPPY

This is a set of brush materials that draw four types of thorns, each with a different shape of thorn.

■ Number of materials: 12
[x2] and [x3] are types of brushes that draw multiple entangled thorns with one stroke.

■ Color change: Yes ◎
The main and sub color of the foreground color are reflected, respectively.
* #04ブラシのみ, by default, it is a black painted thorn.
Since there is no border line, only one of the main sub color of the foreground color is reflected.


■ 収録素材数:12点

■ 色変更:可◎
※ #04ブラシのみ、デフォルトだと黒塗りのいばらとなっています。

Thorns Brush いばらブラシ

X2 X2

x3 x3

Content ID:2129500

Published : 4 months ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

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