Private rooms, entrances, and corridors of condominiums (マンションの個室・玄関・廊下) マンションの個室・玄関・廊下
Content ID:2125428
It is a background material that has one private room including the entrance, corridor, and furniture of a general 3LDK apartment. Please note that the other two rooms, living room, toilet and washroom are only made up to the door as seen from the hallway. All doors can be opened and closed.
[Reference image by LT conversion below] * No additions have been made after LT conversion.
material マテリアル
default material 初期マテリアル
disposition 配置
default layout 初期レイアウト
Entrance wall 1 side hidden 玄関壁1側非表示
Private rooms 1 and 3 are hidden 個室1・3側非表示
Private room 2 sides hidden 個室2側非表示
Private room 2 sides partially hidden 個室2側一部非表示
Living room side hidden リビング側非表示
Private room 1 only wall 1 side hidden A 個室1のみ壁1側非表示A
Private room 1 only wall 1 side hidden B 個室1のみ壁1側非表示B
Private room 1 only wall 2 side hidden A 個室1のみ壁2側非表示A
Private Room 1 Only Wall 2 Side Hidden B 個室1のみ壁2側非表示B
Private room 1 only wall 3 side hidden A 個室1のみ壁3側非表示A
Private Room 1 Only Wall 3 Side Hidden B 個室1のみ壁3側非表示B
Private room 1 only wall 4 side hidden 個室1のみ壁4側非表示
pose parts 可動パーツ
Entrance door opening and closing 玄関ドア 開閉
Toilet door opening and closing トイレドア 開閉
Sliding washroom door opening and closing 洗面所引き戸 開閉
Private room 1 door opening and closing 個室1ドア 開閉
Private room 2 doors opening and closing 個室2ドア 開閉
Private room 3 doors opening and closing 個室3ドア 開閉
Living door opening and closing リビングドア 開閉