Private rooms, entrances, and corridors of condominiums (マンションの個室・玄関・廊下) マンションの個室・玄関・廊下

Content ID:2125428

  • 555
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a background material that has one private room including the entrance, corridor, and furniture of a general 3LDK apartment. Please note that the other two rooms, living room, toilet and washroom are only made up to the door as seen from the hallway. All doors can be opened and closed.

[Reference image by LT conversion below] * No additions have been made after LT conversion.


[About the location range of this material]

The main locations of this material are "entrance", "corridor", and "one private room" in the 3LDK floor plan. The other two rooms, living room, toilet and washroom are only made up to the door as seen from the hallway. The green area in the image below is the range where the camera (viewpoint) can be placed without pictorial breakdown.

[About LT conversion setting values]

The LT conversion setting values of the reference image of this material are as follows.

* If you want to change your own LT conversion setting value, we recommend that you save the image in advance so that it can be restored.

[Display status list]

You can select the following display states from "Layout Presets".
Although it is difficult to understand in the reference image, it is basically a preset that hides structures and small items to make it easier for the camera (viewpoint) to occur in entrances, corridors, and private rooms.

【About opening and closing the closet of the private room】

Although it is not in the list of presets above, presets that are written as "Private room 1 only wall 1 hidden A" have version differences such as "Private room 1 only wall 1 hidden B". A closet is closed and B is open.

【About opening and closing the door】

All doors can be opened and closed. You can open and close by adjusting the slider from "Presets of working parts".

【About hiding structures】

This material makes it easier to place the camera (viewpoint) in any position by hiding structures and small items in the object list.

[About other recommended materials] * Not included with this material.

In addition to this material, we are releasing the "Large-scale Background" series, which emphasizes scale and quantity, and the "Ashi's Hand-Drawn 3D Series", which allows you to easily and quickly create a commercial magazine-quality background without the need for additional writing by LT conversion, so please check my material list.

・The following is a reference image. No additions have been made after LT conversion.

"Ashi's hand-drawn 3D fictitious café chain"

"Rooftop Beer Garden"

【Japanese modern inn】

[About the font of the text used in the material]
Furniture logos and other characters are handwritten or used only in Iwata Antic B font.





















material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト
  • Entrance wall 1 side hidden 玄関壁1側非表示
  • Private rooms 1 and 3 are hidden 個室1・3側非表示
  • Private room 2 sides hidden 個室2側非表示
  • Private room 2 sides partially hidden 個室2側一部非表示
  • Living room side hidden リビング側非表示
  • Private room 1 only wall 1 side hidden A 個室1のみ壁1側非表示A
  • Private room 1 only wall 1 side hidden B 個室1のみ壁1側非表示B
  • Private room 1 only wall 2 side hidden A 個室1のみ壁2側非表示A
  • Private Room 1 Only Wall 2 Side Hidden B 個室1のみ壁2側非表示B
  • Private room 1 only wall 3 side hidden A 個室1のみ壁3側非表示A
  • Private Room 1 Only Wall 3 Side Hidden B 個室1のみ壁3側非表示B
  • Private room 1 only wall 4 side hidden 個室1のみ壁4側非表示

pose parts 可動パーツ

  • Entrance door opening and closing 玄関ドア 開閉
  • Toilet door opening and closing トイレドア 開閉
  • Sliding washroom door opening and closing 洗面所引き戸 開閉
  • Private room 1 door opening and closing 個室1ドア 開閉
  • Private room 2 doors opening and closing 個室2ドア 開閉
  • Private room 3 doors opening and closing 個室3ドア 開閉
  • Living door opening and closing リビングドア 開閉

Content ID:2125428

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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フリーで3Dモデラ―と漫画家アシスタントやってます。最近はいかに漫画的手描き感のある3Dモデリングができるかを研究中。完成したら素材として公開したいと思っていますのでよろしくお願いします! 【公開記念価格と値上げについて】 制作した素材は公開時の記念価格以外では値下げを行ってませんのでご了承ください。また、バージョンアップのクオリティ上昇に伴い価格も上昇しますのでフォローしていただき早めに購入していただくとかなりお得になります。