Screens and overlay are recommended.
Please use it as you like, such as adjusting it tonal correction according to the illustration or adjusting it in the free transform.
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Noise filter ノイズフィルター
Photosensitive Image6 感光画像6
Photosensitive image 5 感光画像5
Photosensitive Imaging 4 感光画像4
Photosensitive image 3 感光画像3
Photosensitive material 2 感光素材2
Photosensitive imaging 感光画像
Photosensitivity: Screen 3 感光:スクリーン 3
Photosensitivity: Screen 2 感光:スクリーン 2
Light Sensitivity: Screen 感光:スクリーン
Photosensitive Ribbon 3 感光リボン 3
Photosensitive Ribbon 2 感光リボン 2
Photosensitive ribbon 感光リボン