A pack of 6 brushes for textured painting like food illustrations. Pressure-sensitive brushes with no colour mixing to keep colour vibrance.
Set of textured painting brushes good for food illustrations.
Carré Esquisse: Inspired by sketching pastels. Used for sketching, and good for opaque, textured painting.
Dry Brush: dry, split brush. Used for shine and gloss, like the oily film in soups.
Painting Brush + Painting Brush- Jitter: What I use 99% of the time painting. The jitter is for creating interesting colour shifts. Soft and pressure-sensitive, similar to an oil pastel. There is no colour mixing setting on this, so you can turn it on, or use the eye-dropper tool + adjust opacity to blend.
Grunge Brush: adding textures, like the seaweed.
Flat Wide: wide brush, good for blocking in colours and shapes.
How to Use:
1. Use Painting Brush for base and Flat Wide to block details like the pie crust.
2. Build painting with Painting Brush, I like to use eyedropper tool to find middle shade to blend.
3. Use Carré Esquisse and Dry Brush to carve details like highlights and shadows.
Good with Food Illustration Palette
ID: 2120813
All materials, including images/illustrations for demonstrations, examples, brush tips, and textures are all created by me.