Half Price Organisms (半額生物) 半額生物

Content ID:2118917

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We will inform you that funny creatures of different colors are half price = 75% off. It's 10 clippy for a pack of four, so if it's 10 clippy for one, it's half the price (maybe). The pattern is a version of the distributed pattern without the fall element. Maybe it's a food loss measure, but in recent years, I have started to see 75% off casually, so I made it. 色違いの愉快な生物が半額の半額=75%オフをお知らせします。4つ入りで10clippyなので、ひとつ10Clippyだとすると半額の半額です(多分)。パターンは配布済み柄の秋要素がないバージョンです。フードロス対策なのか、近年75%オフを気軽に見かけるようになったので作りました。

You did it! Deals やったね!タイムセール

Happy Ikimono ハッピーいきもの

Content ID:2118917

Published : 2 hours ago

Last updated : 2 hours ago

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Have a nice day for creation! Thank you. 画材問わず人がペンを動かして描いた絵が好きです。