Crayon brush (クレヨンブラシ) クレヨンブラシ

Content ID:2114427

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It is a brush that can flap stationery crayons. Main sub color support. Stamp formula.
The main color is the core & label line, and the sub color is the label.
It contains three types: "new", "half-used", and "bilibili".
It's a simple design, but if you think you can use it, please do.
文房具のクレヨンがペタペタできるブラシです。 メイン・サブカラー対応。スタンプ式。


If they are the same brush size, there will be differences in each species.
Please pay attention to the size, such as when expressing the inside of the box with a mixture of three types.
The initial settings are set in sizes 150 new, 140 half-used, and 85 billy.
Although it is a rule of thumb, it is roughly complete, so please use the initial setting if you are in trouble.


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2114427

Published : 4 days ago

Last updated : 4 days ago

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