HM cloud 1 (cumulus, cumulonimbus) (hm雲1(積雲・積乱雲)) hm雲1(積雲・積乱雲)

Content ID:2113166

  • 38
  • 10 GOLD
  • 100 CLIPPY

I made a hand-drawn cloud that can be used in binary comics. It is a so-called foggy cloud.
I wanted something that would appear near the surface of the earth, so it feels flat underneath, but please use it if you like.

HM cloud 1 (cumulus, cumulonimbus)

I made a hand-drawn cloud that can be used in binary comics. It is a so-called foggy cloud.
I wanted something that would appear near the surface of the earth, so it feels flat underneath, but please use it if you like.

Below, the one drawn at B5 size 600dpi has been reduced by 25%.

There are three types of cloud height: high, medium, and low, and there are four sizes of L, M, S, and SS respectively. In addition, a mixture of cloud height (low-medium mixed, high-medium-mixed, and all-mixed) is also prepared.

In the sample below, the first one from the top is the height of the cloud, the second is medium, and the third is low.

All of them are scatter brushes, so when adjusting the size of the pattern, adjust the brush details >scatter brush>particle size of the sub tool detail.

If you stroke continuously, it will come out in a row like a sample, but if you draw it like a pop stamp, it will come out alone. The orientation is fixed on the screen above the clouds.

border of watercolor

There are scenes that are pictorially noisy when they overlap, so I used sub color mixing and border of watercolor to create one stroke that is drawn together in sub color and has a border effect. The brush name has "_boundary" at the end.

If you want to adjust the thickness of edges, use the slider on the border of watercolor>border of watercolor of the sub tool detail.
Also, when using border of watercolor, make sure that the layer to be drawn is gray or colored. If it is monochrome, the edges will not appear.

When using it for a monochrome manuscript, it is recommended to draw it on a gray layer once and make it a monochrome layer at the layer property of that layer. You can also adjust the thickness of edges with settings such as the color threshold that appear at that time.












Size L サイズL

Size M サイズM

Size S サイズS

Size SS サイズSS

Update history

2024.09.08 Completed 2024.09.08 作成

Content ID:2113166

Published : 5 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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