Collapsed Japanese-style room (崩壊した和室) 崩壊した和室

Content ID:2106634

  • 633
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a collapsed Japanese-style room that can be moved and hidden arbitrarily.

The settings are bad or the image quality of the GIF is rough. The real thing is not rough.



【Example of use】

[If you try to make it black and white]

【Window】 You can hide the inside of the window.

【Desk / Jar】 Can be hidden or moved arbitrarily.

【Hanging scroll】 The shadow of the mesh appears when the light source is turned on or off.

【Shoji】 This is a light source turned on and the shadow of the mesh is displayed at a certain distance and angle, but it is difficult, so please consider it as a bonus.

Of course, you can move and hide it.

【Tatami mat】 The pattern is different between the back and the front, so please invert it and use what you like.

You can hide it here.
There is a ceiling, but it is recommended to hide it because it is in the way.

New and clean Japanese-style rooms are on a separate page.




【窓】 窓の中を非表示にできます。

【机・壺】 任意で非表示や移動ができます。

【掛け軸】 光源のON か OFF によってメッシュの影が現れます

【障子】 こちらは光源ON にして一定の距離&角度でメッシュの影が表示されますが、難しいのでおまけ程度に思ってください


【畳】 裏と表で模様が違うので反転させたりして好きなのをお使いください



Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2106634

Published : 28 days ago

Last updated : 4 days ago

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