錬金術セット B alchemy set B ver.1.2 (錬金術セット B alchemy set B ver.1.2) 錬金術セット B alchemy set B ver.1.2

Content ID:2106006

  • 74
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a fantasy alchemist's furnace and a set of accessories. It is not suitable for real-world historical objects.

The Alchemy Set series is produced for the purpose of "filling in the gaps in the background" by pasting it as it is, and the arrangement of individual object is not suitable for use by arranging or intertwining with characters. Please be careful.

It seems that 3D models created with parent-child relationships cannot be attached to each part of the character model at present. This set consists of object groups with parent-child relationships, so attachments are not available. Thank you for your understanding.

We will increase the price later.




 Models of people and machine dogs are not included in the set.  After loading the model, turn off the backface culling with rendering settings. To prevent erroneous operation, the model immediately after loading is not subject to picking. Also, to reduce the load, the transparent material object is hidden on import.

When zooming the screen (zooming the original instead of zooming the camera in the 3D layer), stepless zoom with the mouse wheel etc. instead of stepless zoom by dragging,
Gradual zoom using the keyboard is recommended. Stepless zoom by mouse drag has severe lag and cannot be operated as intended.  

Don't forget to save your manuscript before rendering.
If you don't like the rendering result and want to start over, delete the folder of the failed work instead of Ctrl+Z, turn off the "extract line" of the properties of the 3D layer that is hidden and waiting, and then return to the display state and resume the operation.

If "extract line" is turned on and you move from hidden to visible, there is a risk that you will freeze Thailand one step away.  A real (restored?) three-stage distiller. I changed the design from a reference to a design full of fluffiness for fantasy.  The hourglass, flask and test tube object are available in transparent and opaque versions, and the transparent plate is hidden when reading. If all of these are rendered in a transparent version, the application will surely fail except on high-spec PCs, and in the worst case, PC
It is assumed that it will freeze itself. Please don't.

I think it is safe to render 2~3 transparent.

Rendering environment: PC purchased 4~5 years ago (Processor: Intel® Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz, installed RAM: 32.0 GB)

On my PC, rendering using all transparent object has not been successful, so I make some images transparent. Original size before reduction is A4 (600dpi)

We do not process or adjust lines by hand using pen tools or erasers.
After rendering, the main line (vector) is narrowed by filtering, and the tone layer is changed to a gray display. Changed the tone layer other than the one at the bottom of the tone layer to multiply.   After raising and lowering the connection parts of the chimney to determine the virtual ceiling, hide the ceiling parts and render them, and then delete the parts that extend beyond the connection parts with an eraser.  The inside of the furnace is made simple and deceived by applying a pitch black material. Avoid using the furnace in such a way that the inside of the furnace is visible.

Leg-treadled bellows are not mobile.

There is only a object of "embers" in the furnace, and this set of "burning firewood" does not exist. Please add it yourself or combine it with other material makers' "firewood" models.
 人物と機械犬のモデルはセットに含まれません。 モデルを読み込んだらレンダリング設定でバックフェースカリングを切ってください。誤操作防止として読み込み直後モデルはピック対象になっていません。また、負荷を軽くするため透明マテリアル適用のオブジェクトは読み込み時に非表示になっています。



「ライン抽出」がONの状態で非表示から表示へ移行させるとフリーズ一歩手前みたいな状態になる危険があります。 三段蒸留器を実物(復元物?)を参考にしたものからファンタジー向けのハッタリ感満載のデザインに変更しました。 砂時計、フラスコと試験管のオブジェクトは透明版と不透明版が用意されており読み込み時は透明版が非表示になっています。これら全てを透明版にしてレンダリングすると高スペックなPC以外では確実にアプリケーションが落ち、最悪の場合PC


レンダリング作業環境:4~5年前に購入したPC(プロセッサ:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz、実装RAM:32.0 GB)

私のPCでは全ての透明オブジェクトを使用してのレンダリングは成功しておりませんのでいくつかを透明にして画像を製作しています。 縮小前の原稿サイズはA4(600dpi)

レンダリング後に主線(ベクター)をフィルターで線幅を細くし、トーンレイヤーをグレースケール表示へ変更。トーンレイヤーの中で一番下になるもの以外のトーンレイヤーを乗算へ変更。  煙突の接続パーツを上下させて仮想の天井を決めたら天井パーツを非表示にしてレンダリングした後で接続パーツよりはみ出た部分は消しゴムなどで削除してください。 かまどの内側は簡易な造りで真っ黒なマテリアルを適用してごまかしてあります。かまどの内側が見えるような使用は避けてください。



material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • default layout 初期レイアウト

Update history

Changed the design of the three-stage distiller and furnace top plate. 三段蒸留器とかまどの天板のデザインを変更。

Old version

Content ID:2106006

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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