It is a mob brush set of men and women wearing dresses and tailcoats.
It is a set of image material for men only, only for women and brushes. There is no stickiness, so please use it according to the application.
Usually there is a party mob brush betta 通常パーティーモブブラシベタあり
Usually party mobs image material solid 通常パーティーモブ画像素材ベタあり
mob001_tailcoat_005 mob001_tailcoat_005
mob001_tailcoat_004 mob001_tailcoat_004
mob001_tailcoat_003 mob001_tailcoat_003
mob001_tailcoat_002 mob001_tailcoat_002
mob001_tailcoat_001 mob001_tailcoat_001
mob001_dress_007 mob001_dress_007
mob001_dress_006 mob001_dress_006
mob001_dress_005 mob001_dress_005
mob001_dress__004 mob001_dress__004
mob001_dress_003 mob001_dress_003
mob001_dress_002 mob001_dress_002
mob001_dress_001 mob001_dress_001
No normal party brush sticky 通常パーティブラシベタなし
No betta image material regular party 通常パーティー画像素材ベタなし
mob001_tailcoat_002_w mob001_tailcoat_002_w
mob001_tailcoat_001_w mob001_tailcoat_001_w
mob001_dress_007_w mob001_dress_007_w
mob001_dress_006_w mob001_dress_006_w
mob001_dress_005_w mob001_dress_005_w
mob001_dress_003_w mob001_dress_003_w
mob001_dress_002_w mob001_dress_002_w
mob001_doress_001_w mob001_doress_001_w