Blue color palette (青系 カラーパレット) 青系 カラーパレット

Content ID:2096766

  • 429

Title : Color Palette Set

Content ID: 1704904

It will be a rose of ↑.

* Please feel free m(_ _)m to use the customize so that it is easy to use.

I updated the set, so I also added roses.

(Thumbnails etc. remain as they are (; ́д'))


If you are customize the previous one yourself (add color, etc.)

It may be better to use it as it is.

タ​イ​ト​ル​ ​:​ ​カ​​​ラ​​​ー​​​パ​​​レ​​​ッ​​​ト​​​セ​​​ッ​​​ト



​※​カ​ス​タ​マ​イ​ズ​は​使​い​や​す​い​よ​う​に​ご​自​由​に​ど​う​ぞ​m​(​_​ ​_​)​m






Title : Color Palette Set

 Content ID: 1704904

 It will be a rose of ↑.

* Please feel free m(_ _)m to use the customize so that it is easy to use.

I updated the set, so I also added roses.

 (Thumbnails etc. remain as they are (; ́д')) 


If you are customize the previous one yourself (add color, etc.)

It may be better to use it as it is.

タ​イ​ト​ル​ ​:​ ​カ​​​ラ​​​ー​​​パ​​​レ​​​ッ​​​ト​​​セ​​​ッ​​​ト



​※​カ​ス​タ​マ​イ​ズ​は​使​い​や​す​い​よ​う​に​ご​自​由​に​ど​う​ぞ​m​(​_​ ​_​)​m






Update history

Old version

Content ID:2096766

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 3 months ago

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