DK Canvas Like Material Set (DKキャンバスライク素材セット) DKキャンバスライク素材セット

Content ID:2096605

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You can use this material catalog with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 2 and newer. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.2 )

This is a material set with an analogue-like pen and hand-drawn textures that aims to give the impression of ink accumulating in the grooves when drawn on canvas. キャンバス地に描いたときの溝にインクが貯まる感じの見た目になるよう目指したアナログライクなペンと手描きのテクスチャの素材セットです。

To make it look good, most pens have a strong texture with weak pen pressure, and crush black with strong pen pressure.

  • DK Canvas Pen
    A pen with a border of watercolor mainly for the main line. Even if you paint, if you draw a partial line such as highlights or draw a diamond shape according to the shape, the amount of information may increase.
    The default ink setting is color stacking

  • DK Canvas Paint
    A pen that is supposed to be painted with a border of watercolor. Rougher writing than DK canvas pen. Since there is a large difference in texture due to pen pressure, it may be good to add it as a partial accent.
    The default ink setting is color stacking

  • DK5
    A simple thin five-line. This is simply good for increasing information
    Default ink settings are bleeding

  • DK Brush
    The drawing taste of the hair brush equipped with ibispaint was good, so I aimed for a similar brush feeling and made the texture on it. By default, the hue changes with pen pressure, so it may add glamour. If you do not need to change the color, uncheck brush tip color change and random change for each stroke from the settings.
    The default ink setting is color mixing

  • DK Charcoal Po
    A pen aimed at charcoal posa. Since it is an image of charcoal for a new charcoal Mr./Ms., if the pen pressure is weak, the tip of the brush will be flat and wear out and become thicker if you apply force. You can also change the color.
    Default ink settings are bleeding

  • DK Pasa brush
    A flat brush with a slightly broken brush tip and a slightly dry image.
    The canvas comes out clearly with weak pen pressure.
    It is a dual-pen setting

  • DK finger stretcher
    A blur tool that aims to look as if you stretch it with your fingers.
    As an image, it feels like stretching charcoal drawn with a Mr./Ms. with your fingers.

The textures applied to all are as follows. Single images are also included in this material set.
There is a slight deviation because it is hand-drawn, but I think it is not noticeable in terms of superimposing it on a picture.

↓ Mr./Ms. pull using distribution materials + α

Main line→ DK canvas pen
Filling→ all pens in this material set + α (non-distributed self-made materials)


  • DKキャンバスペン

  • DKキャンバスペイント

  • DK5

  • DK毛筆

  • DK木炭ぽ

  • DKパサ筆

  • DK指伸ばし




Pen Material ペン素材

Texture Material テクスチャ素材

Color mixing 色混ぜ

Update history

2024/07/03 release 2024/07/03 リリース

Content ID:2096605

Published : 8 months ago

Last updated : 8 months ago

道化麗氏's profile Go to profile

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