Cockatiel and Company References

Content ID:2094968

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A bunch of photos of cockatiels, one lovebird, and one budgie.

I got annoyed at the distinct lack of cockatiel references on the CSP Assets (NOBODY HAS MADE A 3D COCKATIEL AND IT MAKES ME SAD BUT I ALSO FULLY UNDERSTAND BECAUSE THEY ARE A PAIN TO DRAW I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE RENDERING ONE IN 3D BUT I WILL STILL WHINE ABOUT IT), so I said "Welp, I have a ton of photos of my idiots and I love sharing them, so win-win!"

And then I realized that just wouldn't be fair and would be incredibly biased, so included some pictures of all of my kids. Enjoy!

The Twins
Silver the Natural Cockatiel* (4 year old male)
Tsuki the Natural Cockatiel (4-8 years old male)

The Old Fart
Cloud the Whiteface Cockatiel (29-33 years old male)

The Ladies
Sunny the Pied Cockatiel* (5 year old female)
Ezra the Peachface Lovebird (1-5 years old female)

The Shiny Pokemon
Sky the Rainbow Budgie (1-5 years old male)

*Deceased but still loved! ;w;
Note: Ages are varied because some of these photos are fairly old now (the pictures of Sunny are around a decade old now, and aren't very good quality, but I couldn't just exclude her)
Note 2: Ezra was assumed male in her prior home and was named accordingly, don't judge her, she's my mango and I love her.
Note 3: "The Whole Flock" I only adopted Sky and Ezra after Silver's death, and Sunny had been dead for around six years by then. So it's not really the whole flock because those two aren't included, but they couldn't have been, so it's just the flock as it is now.
Note 4 of Critical Importance: Even small parrots are a LOT of time, money, and effort if you want to give them their best lives! These aren't "just birds", they're extremely smart, very social animals that needs an unbelievable amount of daily engagement!  Four out of six of these guys are rescues because a good 90% of people don't fully comprehend this when they take one in (Cloud was rehomed FIVE TIMES before I got him!) Several of these pictures were taken when we used to trim wings and give them seed as their primary food source, and while trimming wings is up for some debate and situational, parrots should NEVER be given primarily seed! These guys have been on daily fresh food and pellets for 4, almost 5 years now, and I would recommend nothing else, honestly. These are not my "pets", these are my kids, and if you consider a bird "just a bird", please for the love of all good on this earth, don't get a bird.

Some Dumb Bird

Category 1

Content ID:2094968

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

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