Manga Pen Brush Set of 6 (マンガペン・ブラシ6点セット) マンガペン・ブラシ6点セット

Content ID:2094662

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

This is a set of 6 pens and brushes for monochrome manga. The pen pressure is strong. モノクロマンガ用のペンとブラシ6点セットです。筆圧の強弱強めです。

This is a set of pens and brushes for monochrome manga.
For sandy brush materials and choppy pens, tips and paper are made from actual G-pen and Kent paper. You can draw from delicate lines to strong lines with analog touch.

Items (6 items in total)
  • G-pen... Face, body lines, clothes, etc.
  • mapping pen... Delicate lines such as eyes and hair
  • White-bordered... Eyelashes, protruding hair, etc.
  • Choppy pen... Hoarse pen in Kent paper setting. Also for cheeks and backgrounds

⭐ Brush (*Please dilute it)
  • Sand filling... Cheeks (recommended tone about 15%)
  • Sand line... Ideal for thickening the body (recommended tone about 10%)

  • Gペン…フェイス・ボディラインや服など
  • 丸ペン…瞳や髪の毛など繊細なライン
  • 白フチペン…まつ毛・飛び出た髪の毛など
  • 途切れペン…ケント紙設定でかすれたペン。ほっぺや背景にも

  • 砂塗り…ほっぺ(おすすめトーン15%ぐらい)
  • 砂ライン…体の厚みを出すのに最適(おすすめトーン10%ぐらい)

pen ペン

brush ブラシ

Content ID:2094662

Published : 7 days ago

Last updated : 5 days ago

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