Noise Texture Set vol.2 (ノイズテクスチャセット vol.2) ノイズテクスチャセット vol.2

Content ID:2090124

  • 12,544

It is a noise texture set with a gritty texture.
Please use it by pasting it on the text or background as it is, or layering it on the illustration to change the atmosphere ◎

□Number of materials included
Noise texture material: 10 points
Bonus image material: 3 points
* The serial number of [Color Mix] starts with #03 because [Color Mix/Mix2] is recorded in another material collection [Noise Texture Set].

□ Color change: Yes
Except for [color mix~], it is a gresque layer by default.
Use layer color effects and gradient map to adjust the color.

□ [Line Grade #01~04], [Zaku Grade #01~02], and [Sandstorm] loop in the left and right directions, and [Color Mix #03~05] loops in all directions.

[Line Grade #01/#03] is a bonus image material that I processed because I thought it could be used like a cartoon effect line.
Since the original texture has a rough texture, converting it to a monochrome layer and using it will increase the roughness.


※【color mix】の通し番号が#03から始まっているのは別の素材集【ノイズテクスチャセット】内に【color mix/mix2】が収録されているからです。

【color mix~】以外はデフォルトではグレスケレイヤーとなっています。

□【線グラデ#01~04】、【ざくグラデ#01~02】、【砂嵐】は左右方向に、【color mix#03~05】は全方向にループしています。


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2090124

Published : 9 months ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

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