Baseball bat and mayhem

Content ID:2073646

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a set of baseball bat 3D models. Both sets contain a colored texture option, as well as a white (blank) version for better LT conversion.

The [Baseball Bat] model is the lightweight version of the model, only containing a regular baseball bat, with the layout of with and without grip tape applied. You can also add or remove the grip tape by going to the 3D object list and selecting the visibility of that part.
If all you want is a model specifically for sports, this model will be easier to use.

The [Mayhem Bat] is a bat with various modifications made to it. The added weapon parts of this model are similar to those easily found in urban settings, such as nails and bolts, so it's intended is more for delinquents, urban warfare, post apocalyptic settings, or whatever you choose.

This model also contains the base baseball bat, but may cause lag if you misclick a selection. Please be cautious regarding this.

Category 1

Content ID:2073646

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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