A bunch of fake logos drawn by hand & the ruler tool. As I said in the previous version, a free update has been provided :D
For those of you who bought this before, thank you for your patience, I finally updated it to double the original amount. :)
All of these are fake logos for fake companies/bands/stores/anything. You can use them to decorate a storefront, as stickers on suitcases, for signs, for t-shirts, etc.. Everything is spelled correctly & checked twice.
Below are the logos along with what they mean for Microsoft Translate users. The logos have a halftone on them in the preview as a watermark, the download will not have the halftone on it.
New Logos:
West Haven & Easton - These are two generic locations that can be used for sports jackets, school merchandise, and any other academic groups.
Luca-han - Combined two short surnames for one fancier sounding company.
Secco - A short Italian last name that looks & sounds cool!
Lost + Found - Can be used for something sentimental or something like a thrift store.
Orange Lake & Orange Groove - I live in a place where a lot of oranges are grown, so I was thinking about oranges. Orange & Lake can be used as separate words or rearranged. Orange Groove is one logo, wordplay on the phrase "Orange Grove": grove & groove are spelled nearly the same in English. "Orange Groove" could be related to a music company (groovy records), a dance club, or a band.
Deilla - an uncommon but pretty femminine name. Great for cute or elegant looks.
Meridian - I figured out how to make extra weighted letters, so I chose a word I liked & drew it from there.
Coco home - I was thinking of a coffee shop or other cozy place when I wrote this. The color variation has my latte texture on it. :)
DYNA, RIGHT? - Wordplay: "Dyna" is a variant spelling of "Dina". "Dyna, right?" would be a short way of saying, "Your name is Dyna, correct?" and the short phrase rhymes with "Dynamite". I intended it to be a band logo, but it also works as a fashion brand.
DYNA DYNA - Dyna/Dina again, but as a circle. Was experimenting with warping effects, ended up with this. Very alternative/Punk looking.
Solar - A bubbly logo, warm and sunny.
Earth Home - I was experimenting with the ruler tool & drew the woven shape above. It reminded me of abstract nature designs, so I decided to make "Earth Home". A friendlier logo that can be used for enviormental things, home decor, and anything related to our home, earth.
Artic Nights - Another fake band name. "Artic Nights" is just a melodic phrase in English, there's no meaning other than a cold artic night. The logo variant has speckles on it to look like stars.
Zero - The number 0, spelled out. A cool word!
Here are the logos previously included:
Porter - a last name as well as an occupation. it could be generic or it could be for travel and transport. The optional wings represent travel.
No Fear - I wanted a two part logo, so I tried to think of a bold short phrase and ended up with "no fear". The large N & F were drawn with the rectangle & line tool alone, so they came out very smooth.
Giano - an italian name, looks classy. Could be anything from a law firm to a luxury brand.
Osborne - a last name. I was thinking "car repair" for the design.
eunoia - a feeling of goodwill. It is a pretty word that looks pretty so i decided to write it.
sweet life - thinking of a bakery, but could be used for clothing or anything else.
4b factory - i drew the original sketches in 4b pencil. "Factory" and the letter "B" rhyme in English.
Lionel Learning - I wanted a logo with a single letter at the start of both words, and this is what came out. It can be used for libraries, bookstores, school stuff, and so on.
Echo Electronics - An alliterative combination of words. These come as two separate materials as well as a combined one.
Ace - another square logo, drawn in pencil for a friendlier feeling.
Mimi's Records - "Records" by itself was too uninteresting, so I added a name I like to it, Mimi.
Apollo - Greek god of music, prophecy, healing & the sun. Nothing special, I just like writing the name.
Osiris Theater - Osiris, Egyptian god of the afterlife & agriculture. His name sounds cool, so I wrote it & decided it would be a good name for a theater. Both words come separate if you only want one.
Thoth - egyptian god of magic, writing, and knowledge. He is represented by the Ibis, so I thought it would be fun to have it as a logo. It was surprisingly easy to write "T" & "H" with only the line tool + copy and paste, and thankfully the circle ruler made the "O" easy too.
No Fear - I wanted a two part logo, so I tried to think of a bold short phrase and ended up with "no fear". The large N & F were drawn with the rectangle & line tool alone, so they came out very smooth.
Giano - an italian name, looks classy. Could be anything from a law firm to a luxury brand.
Osborne - a last name. I was thinking "car repair" for the design.
eunoia - a feeling of goodwill. It is a pretty word that looks pretty so i decided to write it.
sweet life - thinking of a bakery, but could be used for clothing or anything else.
4b factory - i drew the original sketches in 4b pencil. "Factory" and the letter "B" rhyme in English.
Lionel Learning - I wanted a logo with a single letter at the start of both words, and this is what came out. It can be used for libraries, bookstores, school stuff, and so on.
Echo Electronics - An alliterative combination of words. These come as two separate materials as well as a combined one.
Ace - another square logo, drawn in pencil for a friendlier feeling.
Mimi's Records - "Records" by itself was too uninteresting, so I added a name I like to it, Mimi.
Apollo - Greek god of music, prophecy, healing & the sun. Nothing special, I just like writing the name.
Osiris Theater - Osiris, Egyptian god of the afterlife & agriculture. His name sounds cool, so I wrote it & decided it would be a good name for a theater. Both words come separate if you only want one.
Thoth - egyptian god of magic, writing, and knowledge. He is represented by the Ibis, so I thought it would be fun to have it as a logo. It was surprisingly easy to write "T" & "H" with only the line tool + copy and paste, and thankfully the circle ruler made the "O" easy too.
Thanks for having a look, I hope you enjoy these if you use them!
Version 2 Logos
coco-home (textured)
luca-han (two colored)
Orange Lake
Secco (underlined)
Dyna Dyna (Textured)
Dyna Dyna (Color)
Dyna Dyna
Earth Home
Earth Home (Color)
Solar (Color)
Artic Nights
Artic Nights (Textured)
Dyna Right?
Dyna Right? (color)
zero (background)
lost + found
Westhaven (borders)
Westhaven (fabric)
deilla (outline)
orange groove (shadowed)
orange groove
Easton (Elaborate)
Easton (Fabric)
photography club
Version 1 Logos
sweet life
mimi's records
mimi's records (circle)
no fear
no fear (square)
no fear (square background)
thoth shadow
osiris theater
lionel learning
porter (white background)
porter (black background)
porter (background)
4b factory
Osborne (background outline)
echo electronics
echo (thick)
echo (shadowed)
Old version