Fake Logos (Update)

Content ID:2072481

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A bunch of fake logos drawn by hand & the ruler tool. As I said in the previous version, a free update has been provided :D

For those of you who bought this before, thank you for your patience, I finally updated it to double the original amount. :)

All of these are fake logos for fake companies/bands/stores/anything.  You can use them to decorate a storefront, as stickers on suitcases, for signs, for t-shirts, etc..   Everything is spelled correctly & checked twice.

Below are the logos along with what they mean for Microsoft Translate users.  The logos have a halftone on them in the preview as a watermark, the download will not have the halftone on it.

New Logos:
West Haven & Easton - These are two generic locations that can be used for sports jackets, school merchandise, and any other academic groups.
Luca-han - Combined two short surnames for one fancier sounding company.
Secco - A short Italian last name that looks & sounds cool!
Lost + Found - Can be used for something sentimental or something like a thrift store.

Orange Lake & Orange Groove - I live in a place where a lot of oranges are grown, so I was thinking about oranges.  Orange & Lake can be used as separate words or rearranged.  Orange Groove is one logo, wordplay on the phrase "Orange Grove": grove & groove are spelled nearly the same in English.  "Orange Groove" could be related to a music company (groovy records), a dance club, or a band.
Deilla - an uncommon but pretty femminine name.  Great for cute or elegant looks.
Meridian - I figured out how to make extra weighted letters, so I chose a word I liked & drew it from there. 
Coco home - I was thinking of a coffee shop or other cozy place when I wrote this.  The color variation has my latte texture on it. :)

DYNA, RIGHT? - Wordplay: "Dyna" is a variant spelling of "Dina".  "Dyna, right?" would be a short way of saying, "Your name is Dyna, correct?" and the short phrase rhymes with "Dynamite".  I intended it to be a band logo, but it also works as a fashion brand.
DYNA DYNA - Dyna/Dina again, but as a circle.  Was experimenting with warping effects, ended up with this.  Very alternative/Punk looking.
Solar - A bubbly logo, warm and sunny.
Earth Home - I was experimenting with the ruler tool & drew the woven shape above.  It reminded me of abstract nature designs, so I decided to make "Earth Home".  A friendlier logo that can be used for enviormental things, home decor, and anything related to our home, earth.
Artic Nights - Another fake band name.  "Artic Nights" is just a melodic phrase in English, there's no meaning other than a cold artic night.  The logo variant has speckles on it to look like stars.
Zero - The number 0, spelled out.  A cool word!

Here are the logos previously included:

Porter - a last name as well as an occupation.  it could be generic or it could be for travel and transport.  The optional wings represent travel.
No Fear - I wanted a two part logo, so I tried to think of a bold short phrase and ended up with "no fear".  The large N & F were drawn with the rectangle & line tool alone, so they came out very smooth.
Giano - an italian name, looks classy.  Could be anything from a law firm to a luxury brand.
Osborne - a last name.  I was thinking "car repair" for the design.
eunoia - a feeling of goodwill.  It is a pretty word that looks pretty so i decided to write it.
sweet life - thinking of a bakery, but could be used for clothing or anything else.
4b factory - i drew the original sketches in 4b pencil.  "Factory" and the letter "B" rhyme in English.
Lionel Learning - I wanted a logo with a single letter at the start of both words, and this is what came out.  It can be used for libraries, bookstores, school stuff, and so on.
Echo Electronics - An alliterative combination of words.  These come as two separate materials as well as a combined one.
Ace - another square logo, drawn in pencil for a friendlier feeling.
Mimi's Records - "Records" by itself was too uninteresting, so I added a name I like to it, Mimi. 
Apollo - Greek god of music, prophecy, healing & the sun.  Nothing special, I just like writing the name.
Osiris Theater - Osiris, Egyptian god of the afterlife & agriculture.  His name sounds cool, so I wrote it & decided it would be a good name for a theater.  Both words come separate if you only want one.
Thoth - egyptian god of magic, writing, and knowledge. He is represented by the Ibis, so I thought it would be fun to have it as a logo.  It was surprisingly easy to write "T" & "H" with only the line tool + copy and paste, and thankfully the circle ruler made the "O" easy too. 

Thanks for having a look, I hope you enjoy these if you use them!

Version 2 Logos

Version 1 Logos

Old version

Content ID:2072481

Published : 8 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

saturns_day's profile Go to profile

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D