Pleated Skirt Brush Set (プリーツスカートブラシセット) プリーツスカートブラシセット

Content ID:2070040

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It is a brush that allows you to easily draw pleated skirts such as uniforms. 制服などのプリーツスカートが簡単に描けるブラシです。

It is a brush set that allows you to easily draw pleats of pleated skirts.

It is a brush that reproduces the pleats seen from below.

- Pleats 2
This brush reproduces the pleats seen from above.

- Pleated skirt
It is a brush that can draw the hem of a pleated skirt.

If you are graffiti, you can complete it with the above three types of brushes, or you can use it to shorten the time of atari and drafts.






Category 1 カテゴリ1

Old version

Content ID:2070040

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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