Branching Brush Set (枝木ブラシセット) 枝木ブラシセット

Content ID:2068019

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It is a brush set that can draw trees and branches without leaves. 葉の無い木や枝が描けるブラシセットです。

It is a brush set that allows you to draw branches and trees in a good way with manga and illustrations!

  • Both branch brush and branch silhouette brush are 600dpi monochrome

It becomes a single tree by stroking from top to bottom.
You can draw only the branches and add leaves and flowers.

- Since it is created in monochrome, it can be drawn in any color.


  • 枝ブラシ、枝シルエットブラシ共に600dpiモノクロ



Category 1 カテゴリ1

Old version

Content ID:2068019

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 7 months ago

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