A brush that gets you a symmetrical set of round eyes.
Similar to my previous upload, this is a pair of eyes as drawn by me, only this time it is a brush.
The eye shape is rather round. The line has a bit of a scratchy nib type of feel to it.
It goes on pale with the first press and gradually gets darker with each subsequent press/click, as shown below.
They always go on black (or tones of it), no matter the color you currently have selected, unless that 'color' is the background/no fill box, in which case it works as usual, so you could use that to empty out some of the middle of the outline, creating a double line for yourself as needed.
In this example, I pressed one time for the first pair of eyes, twice for the second, and so on and so forth, adding one press/click for each of the example eye sets below, to demonstrate the gradual darkening of the tone.
This brush will be free forever, no worries.
Hope you like it, and enjoy!