Eating simple water (먹는빵simple water) 먹는빵simple water

Content ID:1915353

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This is a custom watercolor brush.

It feels like a more slippery version of the Simplewater brush.

You can lightly create the feeling of overlapping and mixing.

The pressure pressure is quite soft, so please adjust it accordingly.
커스텀해본 수채화 브러쉬 입니다.

심플워터 브러쉬의 좀더 미끄덩한 버전같은 느낌이예요.

중첩과 섞이는 느낌을 가볍게 낼 수 있어요.

필압은 꽤 부드러운 편이니 맞게 조절해 주세요.

Content ID:1915353

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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