「FF」Chinese Vegtable Fest 01 By Cottoney

Content ID:2035903

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Chinese Vegtable Festival 01 (But in Tai Guo)
By Cottoney

「FF」 is Forever Free! :D



This set containing;

- Pinto
(Thai foodware)
- Food Tray
- Ladle
(They say it's Indian ladle here. Also, it's very ugly; it's a lot harder than I thought.)
- Vegtable Fest Flag
(To demonstate which store sell vegtable food. In front I wrote เจ means veg fest, also Chinese at the back side but I don't know what is that. XD)

Feel free to use!

AND for you, CSP admin! I wrote letters by myself. Please, DO NOT DELETE MY STUFF AGAIN.

example of using:

Support me via buymeacoffee on my profile.
Watch my timelapse on my youtube channel: Cottoney.
Have a nice meal!

(wait, how to have a nice meal during veg fest?)

CN Veg Fest 01 (Cottoney)

Update history

- Ayo, mr. prime minister! I have made a lot of your SOFT POWERs. Now, where is my digimon 10k bucks? I'm hungry.

- I forgot to say. There are some stuffs in Chinese temple I want to make but I cannot find any picture on Google. We've to wait till the day (15th Oct and after) for me to do the field research. lol. Tell me if you're looking for more.

Content ID:2035903

Published : 11 months ago

Last updated : 11 months ago

Cottoney's profile Go to profile

Huh? Calculus? Physics? Math? Material? Electronic? Python? Academic language? Pfft.. Who can study that much? No! (*high pitch*)