「FF」Judy the Cat on Christmas Cards (I)

Content ID:2053047

  • Free

Judy The Cat, 2 years old. Christmas cards. :3
By Cottoney

「FF」 is Forever Free! :D
Download whenever you want. I will not delete it except CSP admin does.

Do you miss me? Muah

After the suffering studying for the tests and suffering more from taking the exam. I suppose to be free BUT I have to study more for the next tests in March.

Please, pray for me. Whether religion you are or you ain't. Please, please, please, PRAY for me.

(i almost forgot how to use sketchup ._.)

But I still can run my singing channel on YouTube named Cotton Onion. (YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE! NO FEE!)

I wish I could give you a warp link but according to CSP's rules, I'm afraid this catalog will be deleted again. So, better not risk it even if I have seen it once.

And, yeah, these are my song covered's covers. (Confused? :D) Check on Cotton Onion on YouTube!

Anyway, hope y'all are happy on Christmas Day and Christmas meals.

Check out Cotton Onion!
Have a great Christmas meal! xoxo
Do not eat cat >:3

Judy & Christmas I (Cottoney)

Update history

- Check Cotton Onion on YouTube!!!

Content ID:2053047

Published : 9 months ago

Last updated : 9 months ago

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Huh? Calculus? Physics? Math? Material? Electronic? Python? Academic language? Pfft.. Who can study that much? No! (*high pitch*)