Commercial Coffee Makers (業務用コーヒーメーカー) 業務用コーヒーメーカー

Content ID:2029181

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D material for commercial coffee makers that can be used for cafes. カフェなどに使用できる業務用コーヒーメーカーの3D素材です。

The size image is about 45 cm wide, 50 cm deep, and 75 cm high. (It's pretty big ...)
It will be a commercial coffee maker for around 500,000 yen per unit.

Also used in hotel kitchens and cafes. If you put it in the kitchen of a mansion, it looks good.

[ LT conversion example ]

This coffee maker is made with reference to a real coffee maker, but it does not trace the design as it is.
Please use it as a coffee maker produced by a fictitious electronics manufacturer.

Please note that the price of this material is subject to change without notice.
Thank you very much until the end.



[ LT変換例 ]



Coffee maker コーヒーメーカー

Update history

2023/09/04 Released 2023/09/04 公開

Content ID:2029181

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 8 months ago

芹澤~'s profile Go to profile

主に北欧・モダン・ラグジュアリーなものを作っていく予定です。 booth販売もあります。ギフト・いいね・フォロー本当にありがとうございました。 微力ながら創作の役に立てればうれしいです。よろしければ素材使用のご連絡いただけたら泣いて喜びます。