Fist Fighting Poses Collection 2 [Front] ・ 12 types.
・ There are 12 types of fist fighting frontal poses such as fifing pose, straight punch, upper, and rush.
・ Variations can also be increased by loading the material into the canvas and flipping it left and right.
・ By using it together with Fist Fighting Pose Collection 1 (horizontal), you can draw a realistic fight scene.
・ Furthermore, if you copy the fist part and overlay it on the arm above or below, you can draw a super rush with an afterimage.
・ In boxing, there are ranks, so it will be the same size, and in street fights, if you change the size of one person, it will be a fight scene with a body disparity.
・ You can change the line width after vector layer and scaling (drag and drop the material to the canvas →change →object→brush size scale)

Pose ポーズ