Ultimate auto action Set 2023/7/5 update (究極オートアクションセット 2023/7/5更新) 究極オートアクションセット 2023/7/5更新

Content ID:2014210

  • 4,176
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is an updated version of the auto action that I arranged some auto action convenient for finishing. 仕上げなどに便利なオートアクションをいくつか揃えたオートアクションの更新版です。

The set contents of this auto action are as follows (the number is not shaken in the body, but the order is the same.)
① Drawn ★ Change
② Line drawing Layer ★ Modified
③ Color Fill Layer ★ Modified
④ Outline ★ have been changed
⑤ Soft Shadow
⑥ Soft Shadow (part only)
⑦ gaussian blur 15
⑧ gaussian blur 30
⑨ the whole Blur
⑩ Glow Effect
⑪ Chromatic Aberration
⑫ chromatic aberration (selection layer only)
⑬ Finish Gradient ★ Modified

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① Drawn ★ Change
In this auto action, a line-drawing layer is generated on top of the drawing .
It is for people who draw the bottom draw with a dark color first, and change color later.
After auto action Run, the black is selected color, so you can start drawing in the line drawing layer as it is.
Changes are palette color additions and layer color changes.

② Line drawing Layer ★ Modified
It is only a drawing layer of "① under Drawing".

③ Color Fill Layer ★ Modified
A raster layer with a yellow palette color will be added.

④ Outline ★ have been changed
Takes an outline from a layer.

⑤ Soft Shadow
First, Please prepare a shadow painted in a dark color as much as possible in another layer. It may have a tint, but the adjustment is recommended after auto action execution because a detailed tint cannot be reflected .
This auto action auto action to drop the shadow gradient into the gradient map. During auto action execution, it defaults to allow you to select the width of the scale and the strength of the gaussian blur and the gradient map. The wider the width of the extension, the more flexible the shadow reflecting gradient map colors, the more smooth the gradient Gaussian blur.
I think that the gradient map of the empty system that other one was exposed is good for the gradient map.

⑥ Soft Shadow (part only)
You can auto action only shadows in the selection that surround the shadow that you want to be shaded.

⑦ gaussian blur 15/⑧ gaussian blur 30
The selected layer (only one layer) multiplies the gaussian blur by the strength of 15 or 30.

⑨ the whole Blur
It is the auto action that joins duplicate layer displayed and gaussian blur to the whole. The blur can be changed during auto action run.
After the action is performed, the image will look like the left. After that, please clear the place you want to stand out with your hand (such as a face) with a soft eraser . It is for people who want to cheat without drawing much detail on the edge of the screen.

⑩ Glow Effect
It is a auto action that brings out the glow effect. The bright part is made more light.

⑪ Chromatic Aberration
It is auto action to perform chromatic aberration (RGB shift). I can adjust the position to stagger in the middle, but I do a small shift as 1px even if I run it without adjusting it. Layers remain even after the run, you can adjust to whatever you want.
If you do not see the background and run it on a transparent background, chromatic aberration will be transmitted through the transmission. If you have a lot of background layers, you can use the following "⑫ chromatic aberration (selection layer only)":
It is recommended that you shift a little bit larger, and then consolidate three chromatic aberration layers and erase only the areas you want to stand out with a soft eraser.
If you want to use both chromatic aberration and overall blur, I think that it works when I hang the whole blur after chromatic aberration.

⑫ chromatic aberration (selection layer only)
Auto action to put chromatic aberration on selected layers only. If you select multiple layers, such as a person's drawn layer (or a single selection), the chromatic aberration is multiplied while the background is passed through.

⑬ Finish Gradient ★ Modified
The soft light of the gradient you chose from the gradient map. It is for finishing.


①下描き  ★変更有
②線画レイヤー  ★変更有
③色塗りレイヤー  ★変更有
④アウトライン取り  ★変更有
⑦ガウスぼかし 15
⑧ガウスぼかし 30
⑬仕上げグラデーション  ★変更有


①下描き  ★変更有

②線画レイヤー  ★変更有

③色塗りレイヤー  ★変更有

④アウトライン取り  ★変更有



⑦ガウスぼかし 15/ ⑧ガウスぼかし 30





⑬仕上げグラデーション  ★変更有


Ultimate auto action Set (updated version) 究極オートアクションセット(更新版)

Old version

Content ID:2014210

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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