Easy direction Hand Brush set ver. 2.0 (簡単演出 手ブラシセットver.2.0) 簡単演出 手ブラシセットver.2.0

Content ID:2013640

  • 9,495

A set of brush material that can easily grow a lot of hands in a horror atmosphere.

Number of ■ Materials: 6
■ Color can be changed (the main sub drawing color of the tool is reflected)
It can be used for color illustrations, but it is recommended to use in Greske and monochrome works ◎

■ [Additional hand brushes] is a brush of the type that draws one hand at a time along the stroke of the pen so that it can fill the gap after drawing with [hand brush] and grow the hand at a more free direction and an angle.
(I changed the brush setting to make it easier to draw than the previous version of the brush.)

Because it can not be drawn only until the middle of the ■ arm, fill the broken part white if necessary, I draw a line, please let me adapt.


■ 収録素材数:6
■ 色変更可(ツールのメイン・サブ描画色が反映されます)


■ 腕の途中までしか描くことができないので、必要に応じて途切れた部分を白く塗りつぶしたり、線を描き加えるなどして馴染ませてください。

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

Update Material collection (2023.07.03) ■ New brush material 2 points added [Hand brush/Front], [additional hand brush/front] Changed some settings for the ■ Brush ■ Some illustrations of hand used for the brush tip shape of the existing brush 4 points (The design of the hand has not changed in the small part such as the wrinkle of the hand and the nail that I modified it.) 素材集をアップデート(2023.07.03)

Old version

Content ID:2013640

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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