Cropping sample (トリミングサンプル) トリミングサンプル

Content ID:2010034

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This auto action is useful when you want to crispy and see how it looks after cropping. Super simple トリミング後どう見えるかをさくっと確認したい時に便利なオートアクションです。超シンプル

◆ Use procedure
Run the ① selection with the specified state.
The opacity of the ② created trim layer is adjusted to your liking.

◆ How to Use
① Please Specify a range and execute.
② Adjust The opacity of the created layer to your liking.

It might be unnecessary for the one to use the ear sewer as the guide line like the left.
But, personally I tried to understand the same color and back of the work space because it is difficult to see the picture on the outside of the guide line.

Because it is a auto action that I use habitually, I am in shortcut key.
It is recommended because it goes up more efficiently if you breathe Shotka set if you like.


◆How to Use
①Please specify a range and execute.
②Adjust the opacity of the created layer to your liking.



Content ID:2010034

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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