Main Line Color Torres analog Wind (action) 1.1 (主線色トレス アナログ風(アクション)1.1) 主線色トレス アナログ風(アクション)1.1
Content ID:1465806
Based on the two layers of the layer of the fill and the layer of the main line, it is an action that automatically converts the color of the main line to the color according to the fill color, and makes a line like the analog drawing.
The detailed usage is explained in my site
詳細な使い方は私のサイト でも解説しています。
It is an action that automatically converts the color of the main line to the color according to the fill color, and makes a line like the analog drawn based on the duplicate layer and the combined layer of the fill part, the layer of the main line, and two layer information. (Color ink wind? )
At the stage of line drawing, the color of the main line is made from the color of the fill layer by doing the drawing with the solid black, and executing this auto action when the character is finished painting.